Pterophyllum Brongniart 1824

Wer im Internet nach den Namen Pterophyllum sucht, findet zuerst immer Hinweise auf die rezente Fischgattung selben Namens. Diese zu den Buntbarschen gehörige Gattung wurde von Heckel 1840 aufgestellt, also später als die der fossilen Pflanzengattung gleichen Namens durch Brongniart. Ich hoffe das ändert sich durch diese Seite. Da immer noch keine genaue Zuordnung zu einer Familie erfolgen konnte, bisher sind noch keine dazugehörige Zapfen (Blüten) bzw. Samen Funde bekannt. So sollte man die Chance nutzen diese Gattung umzunennen, wenn diese bekannt sind und eine genaue Zuordnung erfolgen kann. Fiederblättchen sitzen lateral, seitlich an der Rhachis an.

Eine genaue Beschreibung siehe Cr. Pott 2009

Pterophyllum consists of completely segmented (pinnate) leaves whose leaflets are more than two times longer than broad (and generally much longer than wide), and all of similar outline (almost parallel-sided) and almost equal width, inserted by their whole base laterally to the rachis (Fig. 3A). Complete segmentation includes the most proximal and distal leaflets being similar in shape and width to those in the middle; length may be shorter near the base and apex. Generally, Pterophyllum leaves are impari-pinnate; the terminal leaflet can be of different shape, being broader ormore slender. The leaflet base may be expanded (decurrent), straight or contracted; the leaflet apex is mainly obtusely rounded or truncate. Leaves assigned to Pterophyllum should naturally be characterised by brachyparacytic(=syndetocheilic) stomata justifying their assignment to the Bennettitales. Key characters: leaflets being more than two times as long as broad and impari-pinnate architecture are here regarded as the key characters distinguishing Pterophyllum from Anomozamites; regular segmentation of the whole lamina is additionally mentioned as a key character distinguishing both types from Nilssoniopteris. Very well-preserved and complete examples of leaves are found in the Carnian (Upper Triassic) flora from Lunz in Lower Austria (e.g. Pterophyllum filicoides and P. brevipenne; Pott et al., 2007f) and in the Rhaetian - Jurassic floras of Greenland,Yorkshire and Iran (Harris, 1932b, 1969; Schweitzer and Kirchner, 2003). Harris (1932b) assigned some species to Pterophyllum (i.e. P. schenkii, P. rosenkramtzii, P. pinnatifidium) that would now probably be better placed in Anomozamites. Equivalent leaveswith unknown cuticles are typically referred to themorphotaxon Dioonites. Pott 2009


Pterophyllum cottaeanum Gutbier 1835


Pterophyllum filicoides (von Schlotheim 1822) Zeiller 1906

Pterophyllum brevipenne (Schenk) Heer 1865

Pterophyllum bavieri Zeiller 1903

Pterophyllum bintanense Jongmans 1951


Pterophyllum majus Brongniart 1825

Pterophyllum aequale (Brongniart) Nathorst 1878

Pterophyllum irregulare Nathorst 1879

Pterophyllum subaequale Hartz 1896

Pterophyllum ptilum Harris 1932

Pterophyllum thomasi (Seward) Harris 1969

Pterophyllum fossum Harris 1952

Pterophyllum cycadites Harris & Rest 1966

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